In honor of my love of the whimsical and fantastical (please let that be a word -lol) and of course anything period costume related. So it just seemed natural that after drooling over the costumes, designed by the AMAZING Colleen Atwood, in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" that I would bring my versions to u now!... They are not copies.. they are a very accurate interpretation... I did all the artwork myself, including doing a close study and recreating the pastoral embroidery on the hem of the blue dress. I limited my depictions to a bird, rabbit, and fox. The fabric is textured as a silk chiffon. The red and black dress has some fun Goth elements, lots of layers, and lots of Red Queen of Hearts-ness.
Without further adieu, Alice in two of her famous looks... now YOU can be Alice too!!! Come by and pick up your outfit at HOUSE OF DASHWOOD!... Available inworld (See Links) Also available on Xstreetsl.com.